Time Is Relative and Nonlinear: The Universe Is Recreated in Each Moment
- What does “time is relative and nonlinear mean”?
- What does “the universe is recreated in each moment” mean?
I will answer these questions now.
What does “time is relative and nonlinear mean”?

All probable experiences exist at once, yet it is impossible to perceive everything at once and so we have senses that reduce it. The selection is called the present moment. The present moment is an arbitrary range of experience. You control what enters the present by what you entertain in your mind.
What does “time is relative and nonlinear mean”? Albert Einstein helped to debunk everything scientists once believed about time. Events in time and places in space are not fixed but relative to the perciever.
The universe does not exist in a physically crystallized infinite line of events. Events such as your birth do not occupy a slot in a physical timeline. Instead, everything is relative and everything exists now in a vast present moment.
You are surrounded by an infinite field of probabilities. Your slightest thought and emotion affect the connections between you and these probable events. A happy thought will strengthen all the connections to similar positive probable events, for example.
Even past events are probable events. Past events are not fixed. There are infinite pasts and infinite variations of the past and all are equally real. As such, they are altered by current thinking. Positive, high-energy thoughts of abundance will draw from fortunate probabilities and cause circuits to change so that you are more in line with past, present and future probabilities in which you are experiencing abundance and are successful. These altered alignments then change present and future events.
There is interaction between you and all probable events, and any change in the whole affects all the parts.

Everything, including events and time, are relative to our point of perception. A recent past event can be a future event when viewed by your distant past self.
The self you once were in the past is still experiencing that time and its infinite variations. All times are simultaneous and still exist.
Time is relative and nonlinear means that you can extend your youth and bring many of the qualities that you once possessed into the present moment when you know how. You can also change your focus to experience the past again as an adjacent experience without displacing present physical events.
When your beliefs change to accept nonlinear time, the way you approach life changes and past events do not determine what happens next. You will learn to create from within yourself by what you believe, think and feel.
When you live in nonlinear time, you free yourself from limitations and constraints. Anything you can imagine exists somewhere / sometime and can be experienced here if it can be allowed entry by laws of physics.

You can attract events from the infinite field of probabilities you are centered within. The field contains all past and future probable events. You select what you will experience by your beliefs, thoughts and feelings.

“Time is relative and nonlinear, means that organizing our reality according to the passage of time is a mistake. If the universe is recreated in each moment, it means that everything is being recreated according to what you attract with your beliefs, thoughts and emotions.”
— William Eastwood.
The past cannot restrict you
The mind projects the illusion of past and future events in the present moment. Albert Einstein believed that the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. This is no longer just theory, however, because Internal Science and International Philosophy explain what you need to know to apply this knowledge to be free of taken-for-granted limitations. You can learn the practical ways to manifest what you want free of contingencies and limitations. The past cannot restrict you if you apply nonlinear thinking.
Understanding what you can on an intellectual level can help reinforce the belief that your affirmations and manifesting will work (because they are based on hard science).
The past, unfortunate circumstance, disasters, people, institutions or mysterious forces cannot restrict you
Learn why and how to control everything.
You can begin now to start changing the past, future and present of your life.
45+ years of research and application
"The daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."
What does “the universe is recreated in each moment” mean?
“The universe is recreated in each moment” means exactly what it says. The universe is your perception of a reality that you are creating. What your senses perceive is an ongoing projection, like a movie.
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What does “time is relative and nonlinear mean”?
What does “the universe is recreated in each moment” mean?
Time is relative and nonlinear means that the past does not create the present

The light coming out of a light bulb is not an object like an apple. It was not created in the past and put in the air so that you can read. Instead, it is action in motion. Photons of light are pulsations speeding past you at the speed of light.
What you need to know is that the electrons that form seemingly solid objects are also ongoing projections―energy of nonphysical origin beaming into time-space. Objects are actions. If you could stop the projection of matter in the same way you turn off a light with a switch, your physical body and environment would vanish.
The environment surrounding you is being continually projected in the same way a beam of light is. Everything is an ongoing projection. The glass you drink out of is a different glass every second. The same holds true for your body.

The objects you see now do not exist in the past any more than the light you are reading by existed in your past. The light you read by may seem the same, but you know it is not the same light you experienced moments ago. The same holds true of physical objects. Now clear your mind and think of it this way.
Everything around you is continually being destroyed at the same rate at which it is being created. Reality is completely destroyed and recreated more than a million times per second. Like scenes flashed on a deck of cards with your thumb, the rapid succession of images creates the illusion of one continuous flowing reality from start to finish. When in reality each card represents a unique recreation.
Only physical objects and the physical body can be destroyed. You and your personality are eternal and are never destroyed.
The inner reality is not destroyed. You project the primary inner reality into the secondary reality of physical matter. Only those portions determined by what you believe, think and feel are experienced physically.
Your physical reality is continually being recreated in such a way as to give the appearance of a growth process that flows from past to present. But the past does not create the present. A seed does not actually produce a plant, and a child does not actually grow into an adult. Recreation follows a pattern of similarity because of the common denominator—the inner reality of your beliefs and subjective energy—and because of the drawn-out nature of our perception within a time system.
The patterns of recreation create the illusion of growth from a past state into a future state. Individual frames passing through a beam of light in an old-fashioned film projector also create an illusion of one continuous progression from past to present. But the whole reel of film exists at once.
If the past is not determining the shape and form of objects what is?

If the past does not determine the shape and form of objects what does?

The truth is that the events unfolding around you are projections shaped by your beliefs, thoughts and emotions. Your beliefs create continuity, not physical matter, because physical matter does not create anything. Past states of living systems do not create anything, only consciousness creates matter.
Nor does so-called non-living matter cause events. A car accident is not a result of physical cause and effect, it is a result of mental energy projecting into time-space. It is a selection of a probability that can change at any time prior to the accident. A change in the mind of the people creating the event can stop the accident.
Changing the state of the psyche is the only way to create enduring changes in life. If you do not change your thinking, forced changes will not last events can be affected. Events are part of you—projections of your thoughts, like limbs and fingers.
A child intuitively knows this, and this explains why they identify with nature and feel that they can exert some control over events with their thoughts. Children express inbuilt propensities of consciousness with which they are born. They are born with an inbuilt expectation that every event will have the best possible outcome. And they do not have negative beliefs to hinder this process. The creation of positive and constructive events is automatic.

One of the main reasons why adults lose this ability is because they are misled by science. They are hypnotized into believing it is not their beliefs, thoughts and emotions, but past events that create the present. And this is where they go wrong. You cannot fix a problem if you do not know what the problem is.

What happened to the magic of childhood?

In childhood life is an exciting and magical adventure and everything seems possible. The future is a blank slate, and it seems as if we can have anything we want. Young children even believe they can affect reality and create miracles with their thoughts. Not only do children seem to experience more miracles than adults do, but they also have a magical optimism that transforms everything.

But as we mature, we lose the magical elation of early childhood. Negative events happen to us, and we are basically told “that’s life,” and according to most standards, that there is nothing we can do about it. The direction our life takes may even seem to be outside of our control.
When the world loses its light and seems dead, nothing we want seems to happen and we lose interest. In order to gain back what we lost as children it is necessary that we understand the true nature of our reality and the source of all our problems.
A spark as a result of learning something new changes everything.

Is there an easy answer?

If we look at the world and examine it on a collective level, and compare that to our own life, what do we see? How do we perceive it? What is there and why? As it stands, the masses believe a “normal life” means going to school, struggling to pay bills while raising a family, and all the while holding a mediocre “job” just to get by. Many people within our civilization are not resonating with this manner of existence and want change.
We have been repeating and perceiving our reality this way for thousands of years; drones trained to accept things the way they are. When we question what is happening and the experts who say it is all necessary, we are ridiculed, marginalized or even imprisoned. If we pacify ourselves to the myths of modern man and continue on with the status quo, nothing will change.
The secrets of the universe unveiled

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a kind of magical solution to all our problems?
There is, and I am not pitching a religion or cult.
- The universe is a projection of consciousness.
- There is no time.
- You create your experience by what you believe, think and feel.

Secrets unveiled
What’s the secret formula within the child’s mind? You would know what it is, as would the entire population, if we weren’t all misled by mechanistic science. If I recalibrate your conception of reality, it will be possible for you to know the secret to creating what you want in your life.
Your thoughts, not the past, create your experience

Your conscious beliefs, thoughts and emotions create your reality. This is a scientifically correct, eternal principle. You can accomplish whatever you can conceive and believe possible.
Your thoughts are energy that continue to exist. They incubate probable events in that realm where the projection originates from. Probable events composed of energy are then projected into matter in the same way light is projected from the sun or a light bulb.
“One night at age 12 or 13 as I lay in bed…”

“I didn’t come from an academic family, and I didn’t even receive guidance from my parents. I was thrown into the world alone without anyone telling me anything about success or surviving. My father criticized me and basically said “good luck, you’re on your own,” although he was a loving parent.
“I had to educate myself. And I didn’t fit in at all. I was threatened and bullied all the time. I had no connections to educated people. I started reading books and began applying metaphysical principles.
“One night at age 12 or 13 I decided I needed to find out if what I was learning was true and if I really had an inner self. So, as I stared out my bedroom window at a full moon over a snow covered bitter cold landscape in January, I asked some questions directed to my inner self as I fell asleep. I asked, ‘If you are there, I need to know if all of this is true.’
“That night I woke up three times, or so I thought. Each time I tried to move, I couldn’t. I was terrified, but I did eventually move, but not in my physical body.
The main article resumes:

Scientists have used quantum mechanics to develop advanced technology, yet as a society we have not yet employed those same facts to generate a new and more factual psychology. It is time to do so.
All content, books and links on this site are based on or in agreement with the findings of quantum mechanics. The concepts presented to you here are thus much more accurate and powerful than current psychology and standard self-help methods of achievement.
Undivided wholeness by David Bohm, friend of Einstein, and amazing quantum tunneling psychology, for example, reveals that consciousness is not restricted by the laws of classical physics. Your mind is connected to everything in the universe and can permeate any seeming barrier.
Your mind is of two worlds

The mind is on a “fence,” between an unlimited inner universe and this world. It looks out through the five-senses at the physical dimension. The mind’s energy is streaming from this inner universe up through your subconscious to be shaped by your thoughts.
This inbound projection of spiritual energy comes from the inner self. Once this conscious energy is patterned by your thoughts it is projected into time-space. It is projected into objects and events. Objects and events are your thoughts manifest as physical matter.
Manifesting Power Book
A Guide to Manifesting Money
Clear all unconstructive thoughts and replace everything negative with positive expectations. Do not give any more consideration to things you do not want to happen. Focus on what you want as if it were happening now and fill yourself with the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
Find out what your private triggers are that create high positive emotional energy. Utilize these triggers first thing in the morning and whenever possible. Take hold of your most positive memories and focus on them until you increase the energy stored in your cells and in the probable events that are by now bursting with positive energy and ready to manifest.
Create positive feelings about everything in your life. Appreciate the sunny day, the freedoms you have, and frame everything as positive.
The field of probabilities is the inner reality of infinite unmanifest events. Your success already exists in the field. To manifest money and whatever you want, you must create what you want in your imagination.
It works. I've manifested large amounts of money when I needed it. If you want to utilize my secrets to manifesting money, get this book. Anyone who believes it can't work can get fast results and can materialize cash money out of the blue by following the instructions given within this informative book. You will get more return on this investment in yourself (by getting this book) than you with any other type of investment you can make.

You can become younger right now
“It is possible to become younger in this moment.” — William Eastwood.

All time is simultaneous. Through emotional association we can activate cellular memory playback of times when we are young. This is because the past is still alive. To the body consciousness it is a condition of nowness.
You can also activate cellular memory by means of willpower and dream recall.
Time is relative and nonlinear. When you apply the secret and the law of attraction you will get results that confirm the idea that time is relative and nonlinear.

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Time Is Relative & Nonlinear: The Universe Is Recreated in Each Moment
© Copyright 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, By: William Eastwood.
Primary article concludes here.
For consistency of accurate material.
Categories: What does “time is relative and nonlinear mean”? What does “the universe is recreated in each moment” mean? The secrets of the universe unveiled. Where Did the Magic of Childhood Go? Metaphysics & metaphysical philosophy. Do thoughts form reality? What Happened to the magic of early childhood? Answers to the big questions. Metaphysical self-improvement books. Click on our site and books to learn more.
Where you focus your attention makes the difference between a life of obstacles and frustration, and one of success and attainment. As you focus on good times you are immediately put in correspondence with all other good times existing in an infinite inner reality. As you resonate with and connect with all these good times you start drawing those elements into your life, so that in minutes, hours or weeks from now events are altered accordingly. You then have more good times.
The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.