Multidimensional Human Nature: You Are Projecting a Holographic Dream
- Is human nature multidimensional?
- Am I projecting a holographic dream?
- Do I create and control the consciousness hologram?
Human nature is multidimensional: We are projecting a holographic dream from a multidimensional field
Most top physicists now know that reality is not solid, that solidity is an illusion projected by the brain and five senses. Events are composed of probabilities. Human nature is multidimensional, and you are projecting a holographic dream.

Probabilities are nonphysical versions of events that manifest when observed. Probable states are selected from a multidimensional field by conscious belief and an algorithm within consciousness.
The projection occurs before we perceive events. After we project events with our five senses, we then perceive those same events with our five senses. You are projecting a holographic dream.
We all project a hologram on a platform defined by a range of frequencies. We tune into this range of frequencies in the same way we tune a radio. We learn to tune into the same station as others when we are born, but we are each projecting our own hologram attuned to a collective consensus on a shared stage. Human nature is multidimensional, and you are projecting a holographic dream.
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We are consciousness adopting physical bodies that allow us to enter the physical field. Once within this field we project the environment.
We have known for some time that there are no physical particles. Particles are not actually solid; they are energy that our senses react to as if they were solid. It is a trick our senses play on us. We are in a hologram.
You are projecting a holographic dream (physical reality) and your human nature is multidimensional. The nature of what you are—pure consciousness—is astounding and nothing short of a miracle.
The first appearance of The Holographic Theory of Reality was in the book “Wholeness and the Implicate Order,“ released in 1980 by Physicist David Bohm, (a colleague and friend of Albert Einstein). At the time, few people looked at reality as being a projection from the mind.
We are in a hologram. This is Internal Science otherwise known as The Holographic Theory of Consciousness.
When we look around us at objects and events, we think they are solid, but physicists have discovered that nothing is solid. The appearance of solidity is an illusion created by the mind and body.
Scientists looked for but did not find solid particles. Instead, they discovered that electrons are disturbances in a field of energy.
Both paradigms (the old and the new) cannot be correct. One must be wrong, and one must be correct. Since we know that physical particles do not exist, all evidence points to the new Internal Science as being the most descriptive and accurate paradigm.

All energy is inseparable, meaning we are on some level all connected. This connection allows for what Albert Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.” The fact that we are all connected by a fundamental level of consciousness changes our entire paradigm of known knowledge.
The inner level of reality that was unrecognized previously must be taken into consideration and is why we call it “Internal Science.”

The Collapsing Wave Function tells us that an infinite field of nonphysical states exist in wave form, and that observation (consciousness) causes the one state being observed to collapse into a physical state. This is a process controlled largely by your beliefs, thoughts and emotions.
This is how we create events; something that has been tested for over 50 years. The new paradigm offers unlimited opportunity to bring about a different kind of world situation in which most social problems are solved and we find immense satisfaction with life. We have the ability to achieve our goals and passions. The laws of consciousness are steadfast in the same way the law of gravity is, and these point toward a different set of facts and principles.
Consciousness creates reality due to the intelligence within consciousness itself, of which you are composed. We are Divine individualized aspects of a Consciousness that is primarily cooperative as opposed to competitive. Your nature is good, and you have the means to create a better and more fulfilling reality when you apply the principles inherent within Internal Science.
International Philosophy is the application of Internal Science principles.

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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
You are a portion of the entire universe. Not an insignificant portion but an equal portion.
The whole is in the part, means that the entire universe is enfolded in each individual. This is a characteristic of holographic film. If you smash it into tiny pieces, the whole image is in each fragment.
Your consciousness does not reside in your brain but in “the electromagnetic field” (also called the field of probabilities).
The brain is a transmitter like a radio or TV that allows your nonphysical spirit to enter into and interact with the physical range of matter, which is a set of frequencies that comprise the stage-set we agree is the physical universe, earth and people on it. Each individual projects their own three-dimensional body and environment on the invisible grid that is our shared world or stage. Agreement is reached as to what exists because of deep telepathic connections and “the rules of the game.”
The five senses actually project or create what is then perceived through them. This feat happens in a three-dimensional context like an invisible grid like the little dots of light that can be seen on an old-fashioned TV screen (snow), only there is no grid.
The mind projects a stream of consciousness that impacts the “grid” and the little explosions of light resulting from impact, form electrons and atoms that form objects and events.
Consciousness creates the illusion of space and time. Infinite probabilities of past, present and future exist in the nonphysical field. Infinite probable worlds exist in the same space you occupy but you don’t perceive the people there because you are not currently tuned into those other frequencies.
Only one probable state can be experienced in the physical world at any given time. Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions determine the specific state (of an infinity of probabilities) that will manifest. In other words, you can move in any direction, think any thought, plot any action, but you can only do one thing “at a time” in this world. The action you choose to take is what physicists call “the collapse of the wave state of infinite possibilities into one physical particle state.

Primary reality is an infinite multidimensional reality that gives rise to endless physical and other realities. This paradigm of reality I call Internal Science, is an incredibly beautiful paradigm that reveals your infinite reality, individuality within unity and God-like creative power with which you are blessed forever. In this paradigm there is deep meaning to existence and love and intelligence are the main characteristics of all consciousness. All expressions of consciousness are equal because all consciousness is a portion of the whole and like a blueberry pie, all slices have the same ingredient, high-grade consciousness (rather than big blueberries).

All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
Internal Science and International Philosophy
Internal Science and International Philosophy are different paradigms of reality than what has been traditionally accepted. David Bohm’s science is actually a traditional style of investigation attempting to describe an infinite and multidimensional field of consciousness. Traditional science (math of blackboards kind of science) and the physical instruments of traditional science (microscopes and physical measuring devices) cannot enter into consciousness and so they cannot enter into multidimensional reality. Internal Science is so completely different from traditional science that consciousness is what is used to probe consciousness. A new scientist uses his or her consciousness to determine facts and explore because physical instruments cannot.
Any given individual may have credentials in one form of study (paradigm) but not in the other. A person educated in physicalism will not necessarily understand multidimensional reality and how consciousness creates physical reality for this reason. Trying to use physical instruments to prove and probe the reality of consciousness is a bit comical because it can’t be done. If you don’t go to Spain, you’re not going to know Spain. If you don’t make love, you are not going to know what making love is. If you don’t go into inner reality, you can draw diagrams, but those diagrams can’t convey a reality that is too extensive to be represented by a diagram. A diagram cannot convey the reality of what love is with math on a chalkboard. The only way to understand reality, therefore, is to use your own consciousness to explore. Once you are able to do that (like Einstein riding a beam of light) you can begin to understand the paradigm of Internal Science and the fact that human nature is multidimensional, and you are projecting a holographic dream.
I am not qualified in the paradigm of physicalism but I am highly qualified in the paradigm of Internal Science and International Philosophy. It is unlikely that anyone who accepts physicalism as the only true science will understand the paradigm of Internal Science. Internal Science is to physicalism science as Latin is to Morse code.
David Bohm

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, says that your physical reality is a holographic projection of the brain and five senses.
Hugh Everett III

—Hugh Everett III
Combine David Bohm’s view and Hugh Everett’s view and you have Internal Science and International Philosophy.
You create a new self and reality every time you make a decision. But because you can only experience one self and reality at a time, you may be unaware of your unlimited multidimensional existence.
Internal Science & International Philosophy are described on various pages but not on just one page. The icon images I have posted below this sentence will allow you to navigate to the pages that I feel have the information you need to know (best profit from).
Old image:

New image:

I have validated the paradigm of Internal Science… of the nonphysical self and probabilities… in the field (in actual experience). You are a multidimensional soul, and your powers and abilities are unlimited. Your environment is a consciousness hologram projected by your brain and five senses.
NOVA CPTV: Matter is a State of Consciousness
These facts are practical. You can apply the science to create what you want in life and to be completely safe and immune from harm under any and all circumstances. The principles (based on the new science) work. They are as reliable as gravity.

Ten facts about who and what you really are
- The inner self forms a three-part self: 1. a conscious self, 2. body, and 3. body consciousness.
- The body consciousness runs all the body’s involuntary processes.
- The conscious self is the director of physical experience, operating in time-space. It is a creator and has the resources of the inner self and body consciousness available to help it create physical reality.
- Quantum mechanics tells us that all physical things have a wave aspect. The inner self is that non-physical wave aspect of yourself. It is the part of you that operates within the inner dimensions of existence.
- The inner self is the deeper portion of you that decided you should be born.
- The entity creates the inner self, and the inner self creates the conscious self, body and body consciousness.
- The entity is multidimensional, projecting into other times and probabilities, creating other conscious selves / identities.
- You and the body were not created in the past. You and your body are created in each moment. Energy flows from the entity to form the inner self and from the inner self to form you. The three-part self is an ongoing creation of the inner self.
- You are more than your conscious self alone. Your true identity includes everything I have just outlined. Your identity in its entirety consists of the spiritual and physical aspects that make up the entity, inner self, body, body consciousness and conscious self.
- At other levels you are aware of your true and complete identity. You are a multidimensional being existing in many realities both physical and nonphysical.
- Human nature is multidimensional. The science tells us that you (and everyone else) are projecting a holographic dream.
A new form of science has been introduced into the world, but you do not need to be a scientist to understand it. It is basically very positive in nature.
The new paradigm worked
Technology is a result of manipulation of physical substances, electrons and objects. Internal Science and International Philosophy allow you to create electrons, physical substances, objects and events. It is a far more practical and valuable thing to know.
When you struggle to improve your life on a physical level it is like attacking the projection on the TV screen. You have to change the programming. To do that you must make changes on an inner level where the creation of events takes place. Once that is done properly changes in the outer physical world will begin to show themselves automatically and effortlessly.
International Philosophy is international, meaning everyone in every country can understand and apply it. It is simple and clear, and for that reason it translates well into any language. That’s why it’s international.
The main article resumes:
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“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.”
— Albert Einstein.
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