Helping you to create the life you want! A new science and practical life philosophy
The divided human psyche is the cause of violence, bias, relationship failure and war
The Solution explains the true source of the world’s problems
Because of cultural directives, the psyche is divided in adolescence. Males develop the acceptable set of psychological characteristics designated as male in our culture. Females develop the acceptable set of characteristics designated as female in our culture.
This division in psychological characteristics, began approximately 5000 years ago. The race set out to develop a new type of ego consciousness. This has been achieved, and now it is far over done, and as a result there is a very real and present danger.
“The Solution…” explains this issue extensively to clarify for you perfectly.
From the upper echelons of the scientific establishment comes a completely new definition of reality and the human being. The most advanced physics in the world tells us that accumulated knowledge in all fields is based on a false premise.
It is a fact that curriculum from grade school to university will need to be entirely overhauled.The end result will be a complete and total reversal of focus that will bring about a new human with entirely new and radical ways of achieving goals and solving problems. But we cannot evolve to the next stage of human evolution until the main obstacle and the solution is provided.
Learn how to become powerful and unstoppable by having the right knowledge at your fingertips. We unknowingly wield immense power. We must recognize the fantastic power we possess and learn to use it constructively.
Here and now we have the power to work magic of such proportions we have never fathomed. Yet unseized, such power waits for us to claim it. It is of no use until we awaken to it.
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The Solution to All of Humanity's Problems & The Secret to Creating the Life You Want
ePub: eBook
“In editing ‘The Solution…’, my perspective as a scientist with doctorates in theology is that ‘The Solution…’ bridges science, metaphysics and true religion.
We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution.
- Mario Fusco TP.D, RS.D, BSC.
This remarkable new way of looking at the universe is supported by two more of the world's most eminent thinkers ― Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, and University of London physicist David Bohm, a former colleague of Einstein's.
The author attributes his success to the application of these principles. He has achieved at the highest levels of success due precisely to these principles. They do work. They are tried and tested.
EASTWOOD: After reducing U.S. energy dependence by age 18, I set out on a more important goal. In a sudden unexpected turn of events, however, something hideous that stood on two legs attacked me. My life was thrown into chaos and I had nothing but my thoughts and wits to save me. It was the very thing I had warned people about in my message to humanity. The story of what happened is in the companion book.
Males sometimes become jealous of the characteristics females so easily express, and vice versa. This is, in part, because both sexes have those qualities considered natural to the opposite sex but they are undeveloped. They are therefore drawn to it, in hopes of gettingsome of it to somehow complete themselves.
Males may be attracted to those psychological qualities labeled female, and females may be attracted to those qualities labeled male. But this is not because those qualities are opposites but because they are denied in each sex. It is therefore a dysfunctional relationship that creates antagonisms in fighting between the sexes.
It is not a relationship based on two complete people who appreciate each other. Rather, it is an obsessive attraction to what has been unnaturally denied. It is a grasping relationship. And it is unhealthy.
The half developed, divided psyche
This may be over simplified, but is it is as if we are half-people. The majority who are in this category may be trying to complete themselves by marrying someone who expresses the half of us that we have denied since early adolescence.