The Secrets of the Universe Unveiled: Where Did the Magic of Childhood Go?

Secrets of Universe Unveiled: Magic of Childhood Multiverse

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The founder of Earth Network, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.

William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!


"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.




What happened to the magical world we lived in as children?


What happened to the joyful and magical world we lived in as children? What caused it and where did it go?

In childhood life is an exciting and magical adventure and everything seems possible. The future is a blank slate, and it seems as if we can have anything we want. Young children even believe they can affect reality and create miracles with their thoughts. Not only do children seem to experience more miracles than adults do, but they also have a magical optimism that transforms everything.


The Secrets of the Universe Unveiled: Children. Where Did the Magic Go?

Journey through mind.

But as we mature, we lose the magical elation of early childhood. Negative events happen to us, and we are basically told “that’s life,” and according to most standards, that there is nothing we can do about it. The direction our life takes may even seem to be outside of our control.

When the world loses its light and seems dead, nothing we want seems to happen and we lose interest. The problem is not well understood. The magical world we experienced as children is the real world and the world we are in is a mass-produced artificial world. It’s the opposite of what we were taught.

The way to enter the multiverse is through the expanded consciousness that will naturally occur when you dispense with artificial beliefs.  The beliefs you inherited from modern culture are what have closed the doors and sealed them shut. Those beliefs have been internalized. You can unlearn them as you read this article.


We have been engaged in the same blind routines for centuries


If we look at the world and examine it on a collective level, and compare that to our own life, what do we see? How do we perceive it? What is there and why? As it stands, the masses believe a “normal life” means going to school, struggling to pay bills while raising a family, and all the while holding a mediocre “job” just to get by. Many people within our civilization are not resonating with this manner of existence and want change.

We have been repeating and perceiving our reality this way for thousands of years; drones trained to accept things the way they are. When we question what is happening and the experts who say it is all necessary, we are ridiculed, marginalized or even imprisoned. If we pacify ourselves to the myths of modern man and continue on with the status quo, nothing will change.

If previously science would not tell you the truth that will set you free, I will. Don’t look to something in the physical world for whatever it is you seek; the answers and the means are within you. There is a door, and you can open that door, and if you do you will be set free.

That door is right in front of you right now.


Past, Present & Future Time Exists Now
A article.


The secrets of the universe unveiled

What’s the secret formula within the child’s mind? You would know what it is, as would the entire population, if we weren’t all misled.

We were unnecessarily cut off from the inner magic of the universe that spoke directly to us in childhood. It has become an invisible world, and so it is very challenging to see with the mind until you have had a revelation of understanding, first intellectually and then emotionally.

When we are in the womb we can look right through our shut eyelids and through our mothers body and see the physical world. We can also hear people’s thoughts and beliefs. We are also able to see people that our parents do not see. When you get older you forget this completely, but I am telling you this is true.

As a television can receive many stations, so can people, and they are in the air in the same space you are in. You are an infinite multidimensional consciousness. This you have forgotten, but for a reason. That reason no longer exists. It is time to wake up to your magnificent self and unlimited reality and to begin to walk through those magical invisible doors into a magical reality that is, indeed, The Promised Land.

This has nothing to do with religion. The first step is to learn that there is a more accurate scientific paradigm. Without the intellectual realization that there is a reasonable and factual basis to what I am saying you won’t pass through the invisible doors that are as present now before you as they were in your childhood.

With this article I will reveal to you that the universe and environment around you is not what you have been told it is. The objects and events you see are ongoing projections.

After you read a number of articles, certain beliefs that shroud reality will begin to weaken. When that happens you must take note and remember what you witnessed.

Eventually you will have glimpses of your true paradise of multidimensional experiences in many time periods and in many probable worlds. The magical castles, the fantasy worlds you see on television and more, do exist.

That’s all the magic I am going to give you right now. The rest of the article is necessarily a kind of informative scientific discourse. Bear with me however, because the little glimpse I gave you is just the tip of the iceberg.




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Your physical reality is an ongoing projection: It wasn’t created in the past

The light coming out of a light bulb is not an object like an apple. It was not created in the past and put in the air so that you can read. Instead, it is action in motion. Photons of light are pulsations speeding past you at the speed of light.

What you need to know is that the electrons that form seemingly solid objects are also ongoing projections ― energy of nonphysical origin beaming into time-space. Objects are actions. If you could stop the projection of matter in the same way you turn off a light with a switch, your physical body and environment would vanish.


The past does not create the present


The light coming out of a lightbulb is not an object like an apple. It was not created in the past and put in the air so that you can read. Instead, it is action in motion. Photons of light are pulsations speeding past you at the speed of light.

What you need to know is that the electrons that form seemingly solid objects are also ongoing projections ― energy of nonphysical origin beaming into time-space. Objects are actions. If you could stop the projection of matter in the same way you turn off a light with a switch, your physical body and environment would vanish. The reality around you is being continually projected in the same way a beam of light is. Everything is an ongoing projection. The glass you drink out of is a different glass every time you use it. The same holds true for your body.


  1. There is no singular, one-world timeline.
  2. You do not progress in a linear manner within time from birth to death.
  3. You are not a three-dimensional self moving through a three-dimensional world from birth to death.
  4. You and the world do not exist that way.


The objects you see now do not exist in the past any more than the light you are reading by existed in your past. The light you read by may seem the same, but you know it isn’t. The same holds true of physical objects.
Now clear your mind & think of it this way.

Everything around you is continually being destroyed at the same rate at which it is being created. Reality is completely destroyed and recreated more than a million times per second. Like scenes flashed on a deck of cards with your thumb, the rapid succession of images creates the illusion of one continuous flowing reality from start to finish. When in reality each card represents a unique recreation.

Your reality is continually being recreated in such a way as to give the appearance of a growth process that flows from past to present. But the past does not create the present. A seed does not actually produce a plant, and a child does not actually grow into an adult. The recreations follow a pattern of similarity because of the common denominator—the inner reality of your beliefs and subjective energy—and because of the drawn-out nature of our perception within a time system.

The patterns of recreations create the illusion of growth from a past state into a future state. Individual frames passing through a beam of light in an old-fashioned film projector also create an illusion of one continuous progression from past to present. But the whole reel of film exists at once.
If the past is not determining the shape and form of objects, what is?



Manifesting power guide book to materialize money goals dreams better relationships love
2023 edition.

Manifesting Power Book

A Guide to Manifesting Money

Clear all unconstructive thoughts and replace everything negative with positive expectations. Do not give any more consideration to things you do not want to happen. Focus on what you want as if it were happening now and fill yourself with the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

Find out what your private triggers are that create high positive emotional energy. Utilize these triggers first thing in the morning and whenever possible. Take hold of your most positive memories and focus on them until you increase the energy stored in your cells and in the probable events that are by now bursting with positive energy and ready to manifest.

Create positive feelings about everything in your life. Appreciate the sunny day, the freedoms you have, and frame everything as positive.

The field of probabilities is the inner reality of infinite unmanifest events. Your success already exists in the field. To manifest money and whatever you want, you must create what you want in your imagination.

It works. I've manifested large amounts of money when I needed it. If you want to utilize my secrets to manifesting money, get this book. Anyone who believes it can't work can get fast results and can materialize cash money out of the blue by following the instructions given within this informative book. You will get more return on this investment in yourself (by getting this book) than you with any other type of investment you can make.


Manifesting power book materialize money success health goals Eastwood


A website article.


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The past per-se, does not create the present, only “past” thoughts create the present

Eastwood on The Secrets of the Universe Unveiled: Where Did the Magic of Childhood Go?
William Eastwood.

The truth is that the events unfolding around you are projections shaped by your beliefs, thoughts and emotions. Your beliefs create continuity, not physical matter, because physical matter does not create anything. Past states of living systems do not create anything, only consciousness creates matter.

Nor does so-called non-living matter cause events. A car accident is not a result of physical cause and effect, it is a result of mental energy projecting into time-space. It is a selection of a probability that can change at any time prior to the accident. A change in the mind of the people creating the event can stop the accident. Changing the state of the psyche is the only way events can be affected.  Events are part of you—projections of your thoughts, like limbs and fingers.

A child intuitively knows this, and this explains why they identify with nature and feel that they can exert some control over events with their thoughts. Children express inbuilt propensities of consciousness with which they are born. They are born with an inbuilt expectation that every event will have the best possible outcome.  And they do not have negative beliefs to hinder this process. The creation of positive and constructive events is automatic.

One of the main reasons why adults lose this ability is because they are misled by science. They are hypnotized into believing it is not their beliefs, thoughts and emotions, but past events that create the present. And this is where they go wrong. You can’t fix a problem if you do not know what the problem is.


Photo by: Han Tu.


The past is not what creates your present

Your conscious beliefs create your reality. This is a scientifically correct, eternal principle. You can accomplish whatever you can conceive and believe possible. Once you understand this and apply positive and magical thinking, your perception of reality changes and your thoughts have a greater impact on events. Reality then responds to your wishes and desires and begins delivering all you want. The magical psychological state characterized by childhood is reacquired.

Your thoughts are energy that continue to exist. They incubate probable events in that realm where the projection originates from. Probable events composed of energy are then projected into matter in the same way light is projected from the sun or a light bulb.


Where Did the Magic of Childhood Go?


Your mind is actually in two worlds simultaneously

The mind is on the fence, between two worlds, but it looks out through the five-senses onto the physical dimension. The mind’s energy is streaming from this inner universe up through your subconscious to be shaped by your thoughts.

This inbound projection of spiritual energy comes from the inner self. Once this conscious energy is patterned by your thoughts, it returns to its source. It then goes through a process of evolution and is again projected into time-space. But this time it is projected into objects and events. Objects and events are your thoughts manifest as physical matter.


Photo by: Alistair Macrobert.


Thoughts pattern energy and draw on probable events

The mind is of two worlds. As you believe, think or feel, you are drawing from unlimited probabilities that which you will form into future experience. While all of this is happening, you do not see the mechanics of the process. You do not see the mechanism; you just experience the results.

If you have a thought, that thought will draw elements from unlimited probabilities. The same goes for a belief or a feeling. You select elements of probabilities by what you believe, think and feel. Your subjective activity is what you use to make your selections. Those selections are then organized properly and projected as the events you experience. The inner self does the real work of creation, manufacturing events for you, while you focus on what you want and then reap the results of your thinking.


Where you focus your attention largely determines what you will materialize in your life.


Where you focus your attention makes the difference between a life of obstacles and frustration, and one of success and attainment. As you focus on good times, you are immediately put in correspondence with all other good times existing in an infinite inner reality. As you resonate with and connect with all these good times, you start drawing those elements into your life, so that in minutes, hours or weeks from now events are altered accordingly. You then have more good times.


To change any element of the movie you call life, you have to change your thinking. Altering the mind alters your life. There is no other way to change your life.



45 years of research goes into every book


What are you going to do to change your life?


This article is not about the obvious things you can do to improve your life, such as making good decisions, eating healthy food and getting plenty of sleep. This article explains reality in a way that will lead to the realization that you are creating your reality by what you believe rather than by what you do or as a result of past events.

You don’t need to do anything but work with your beliefs to transform your reality. However, in the same way that smiling reinforces positive emotion, certain activities go hand in hand with whatever it is you are trying to achieve. An activity can remind you of the belief that you can achieve a goal.

Your beliefs create your reality and so it is necessary to believe that you will get the results you want. It is necessary to expose yourself to the beliefs you wish to hold. If you want to change your reality for the better, it is necessary to hold the belief in mind that it is possible to do that.

You have to believe that your new beliefs will work for you and that you will get the results you want. Focus daily on what you want to create. Use the imagination and affirmations to move concepts in and out of your mind. Expectations are changed by what you feel, by your emotions. The emotion of satisfaction will change the beliefs that go in the other direction. The emotion of being unsatisfied while working, for example, will not move you toward realization of your goals.

For intellectual concepts, there is a need for the rational mind to accept those concepts first, but then you must internalize those concepts emotionally.

Articles like this one can break up conventional beliefs that could keep you stuck. I have found that changing long-held beliefs requires constant exposure to deep intellectual concepts that reinforce the validity of the beliefs I want to hold. Before I take a walk, I like to read a paragraph that will point my mind in the right direction.

I also record my achievements and positive thoughts to preserve them and get energy moving in that direction.

When you are trying to change your beliefs to change your reality, you must move in the direction of what you want to create. If you are struggling at a job you dislike without taking time to relish the feeling of having what you want, you attract and manifest more work as your reality. The action that will change your reality is in your mind.

Read deep content like this article daily to keep the right beliefs active and before you. Positive beliefs you hold can be refreshed and amplified daily. The beliefs you want to hold must be stronger than your limiting beliefs. This means that you must make them prominent through intent and focus.

Don’t let yourself backslide into the opposite thinking of what you want to learn or do. If you blow it, don’t focus on the fact that you blew it and realize that even making a mistake can have a hidden benefit. Focus on where you are making progress and on what you are learning.

I have another article that can reinforce the ideas conveyed in this article. I recommend that you click on the icon below and read that article when you have a chance.


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I am going to help you to bring your magical world back. The multiverse does exist. The physical world is a dream, and the inner magical world is a fundamental reality.

The reason we lost the magical essence of childhood is because everything we learn is designed to cut us off from the inner world of magic that is our home. We lived there before we came here, and we will return again. There is no reason, however, why we cannot and should not become aware again as we were in childhood. There is no reason why we cannot create the life of our dreams and manifest the exceptional reality we fantasized about when we were an adolescent dreaming about what we would do with our life.

Even if you are a child reading this, the real magic you felt was before the age of five. By age six the imagination pulls away from inner reality and is directed toward events and what adults see as being practical activities to manage yourself and your life.

If you want to get the magic of early childhood back, the first step is to become aware of what happened, or how your thinking disconnected you from your inner multiverse. You will want to suspend the root assumptions of mainstream science and look at the world through the lens of Internal Science and International Philosophy (a magical lens) to get started. This article will explain how creation actually works. This will enable you to change your intellectual understanding. After you do that, then the magic starts to happen as long as you don’t fight it and are willing to internalize the new information emotionally and through proper learning and focus as I just mentioned.

You can’t learn a new concept and then just forget about it. You need to keep the good stuff alive and foremost in your mind.

The artificial world is the worst place to be. If you don’t focus on the new things you are learning, your default beliefs will slip back in place automatically. The mind will process reality as our culture has taught us is appropriate and according to our root assumptions about time and space, being sane, responsible and so on.

When making a change in life you have to first break the momentum. Then your new beliefs and activities will become your new default beliefs and activities. At that point you can return to the magic state you enjoyed as a young child. By all means create that magical feeling as often as possible by whatever means possible.

Your strength is in your connection with your inner self and inner world. That channel must be open and as clear as possible if you want to bring the magic of childhood back. I may be drifting from the focus of this article, but I want to mention that I have taken Calea zacatechichi and Griffonia simplicifolia promote lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming can knock down cultural adult world beliefs and so can help to return you to the magic of childhood and connect you to the inner multiverse.

Read deep content like this article at least occasionally to keep the right beliefs active.


Thinking Is selecting

To change your reality, you change what you select. When you are thinking about a goal or something you would like to do, like eat lunch, you are selecting probabilities from within this inner reality where all possibilities exist.



The reactive mind

The primitive mind is reactive. Rather than react to negative events with negativity, react by creating what you would rather see in its place. To create events, you affirm that what you want already exists.

You use your beliefs and expectations to create events. You believe in and expect what you want. You can also will it.

Our positive thoughts can be diverted if we react to what is happening in the world around us rather than to the original intention within the inner mind. This is what happens when we grow up. It is why we lose the ability to create miracles, maintain the magic, and control what happens to us.

If you want to change your reality, change yourself, and change what you project in belief, thought and emotion. To return to the magic of childhood you need to remove the operating programs you have adopted. The myths of modern man are projected as a reality, and the result is a “movie” that isn’t much fun.

I have a way to help you do that.



You are NOT meant to suffer!

William Eastwood modern alchemist manifesting
William Eastwood wants to tell you how you can have anything you want.

Reality is not the dark and gloomy picture that is often taught in the classroom and depicted on the news. There is no reason whatsoever to suffer in life. You do not have to work at a job you do not like in a grueling 9 to 5 life of pain and suffering followed by death and extermination of your existence. It isn't that way at all!

This way of thinking is a symptom of a flawed model rather than flawed people. Reality is far different than what most of us were taught.


Manifest anything instantly, and stay safe under any circumstances

When I was in a seemingly impossible situation, I created a series of powerful affirmations to escape the predicament I was in. They worked so well that I still use them today. I have made them available to the public on four websites and in two books primarily.

Internal Science allows you to achieve immunity from every form of threat: climate, economic, health, social, crime, war, etc.."


Affirmations to manifest anything you want instantly
A daily affirmation & guidance page.


Daily Affirmation and guidance pages

With four affirmation pages you can find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.


Move into the reality you want to create, don’t just think about it. If you follow all of the advice I have given you in this article, you can return to the magical reality of early childhood you have forgotten. This is the home land, the multiverse. You are in it now. By expanding your beliefs to enrich this life and take in more, you enter your own Promised Land. That magical reality is here, where you are. You only need the right beliefs and perception to activate that magical world which is present in the here and now.


Important wisdom from Albert Einstein


We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them…  A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”

— Albert Einstein.





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Where Did the Magic of Childhood Go? What Happened? The Secrets of the Universe Revealed

© Copyright 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024, By: William Eastwood.



Primary article concludes here.






Categories: Where Did the Magic of Childhood Go? How to enter the multiverse. Metaphysics & metaphysical philosophy. Do thoughts form reality? What Happened to the magic of early childhood? Answers to the big questions. Metaphysical self-improvement books. The Secrets of the Universe Revealed. Click on our site and books to learn more.

Where Did the Magic of Childhood Go? What Happened? The Secrets of the Universe Revealed

Where you focus your attention is the difference between a life of obstacles and frustration, and one of success and attainment. As you focus on good times you are immediately put in correspondence with all other good times existing in an infinite inner reality. As you resonate with and connect with all these good times you start drawing those elements into your life, so that in minutes, hours or weeks from now events are altered accordingly. You then have more good times.