Saying affirmations is the first and most basic way tomanifest what you want..
It is also the most effective way to learn control of your mind. You need a positive mind & imagination under your control. Otherwise you won’t get anywhere.
Affirmations train your mind to control and direct energy to manifest what you want.
Affirmations are used to create what you want in your life, like more money, a new car or a loving relationship.
Affirmations are one of the most effective ways to direct and manipulate intense positive energy in highly beneficial ways. The energy you move more effectively in this way will work wonders in all aspects of your life.
If you do this in the right way you will evoke powerful positive changes and transitions in your life, even bringing about an entirely new reality if that is what you want.
An affirmation is a simple statement you repeat over and over again to program the subconscious mind to create what the affirmation says already exists. What begins as a make-believe-statement later manifests in your life as a physical reality.
This is how you create what you want in life. If you properly affirm, “today I am going to have a good day,” you dramatically increase the probability that you will.
Saying affirmations like, “I am making more money every day,” actually manifest that as your reality.
For best results say affirmations over and over again with conviction and emotion.
Every day I provide a list of valuable affirmations with some guidance as to how to manifest what you want in your life.Click icon below.Click on image to go to post.
You can also visit the ThoughtsCreateMatter.commanifesting page (below).
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